Game of Logging, Part One


At the end of this week, Merck Forest will be hosting another Game of Logging class.

What is the Game of Logging, you ask? It does sound like something between a strange video game, and a workshop taught by Paul Bunyan. In fact, “the Game of Logging (GOL) is widely acknowledged as the premier chainsaw safety and productivity training program in the country, offering hands on chainsaw safety training in a competitive environment.  Top instructors across the country combine demonstration with participation to teach chainsaw safety, productivity, conservation and cutting techniques.”

Last summer, GOL instructors came to Merck Forest, and our apprentices, along with members of the community, learned levels one and two of the course.

The Game of Logging website explains the first levels this way:

Level 1 focuses on introducing the participant to open face felling and the development of techniques to safely use it.  Topics covered include personal protective equipment, chainsaw safety features, chainsaw reactive forces, bore cutting, pre-planning the fell, and understanding hinge wood strength.

Level 2 focuses on maximizing chainsaw performance through basic maintenance, carburetor setting, and filing techniques.  Limbing and bucking techniques are introduced, spring pole cutting is covered and more felling is practiced.

On Friday and Saturday, we will once again host the class at Merck. It was not advertised this year, and we already had interest from outside parties, and our staff, but we hope to continue offering these classes in the future. Please, let us know if you are interested in taking the class at a future time!


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